Free play
Free play will be in the play room, we will have a book centre, Dramatic area with a kitchen and dolls, dress- up clothes, shelf toys such as blocks, a castle and other interesting toys.

Children can feel free to play wherever they want to, with their friends, as long as we clean up any messes we make along the way.

Sensory and Science Activities
Sensory & Science Activities will be set up as well. For sensory I will put out things such as sand, water, feathers, pasta and cheerios, and playdoh; these are all things that can help a child to learn about touch, taste, and smell.

For Science we look at pretend bugs under a magnifying glass and collect leaves and pine cones on our nature walk.

I will always try to keep learning interesting and fun.

Welcome to The Little Orchard Day Care!!!
Offering Quality Care for your children
in The Burlington Orchard.


We will try to be consistent with our program; activities will be planned out and posted. Themes such as weather, animals, family, holidays, shapes colours, ABC's and 1-2-3’s will be introduced through creative, story time, music and free play.

Creative arts and crafts such as painting, pasting & colouring will be done daily. We will display our artwork often and have our own art folders so parents can take them home to show them off proudly.

Circle time will be a fun time where we can sing songs, play games, talk about the weather, read stories and learn about the days, weeks and months of the year.

Indoor/outdoor activities will be done in the morning & afternoon (playing in yard with sand and water, balls and push toys, going for nature walks and to local parks and trips to the library and pet shop.
On rainy days we might watch a special movie, play fun games like musical chairs or dance to our favourite children's music.
Children will work on cognitive skills (matching colours, shapes, letters; Fine motor skills (cutting, colouring, beading, lacing)

All activities will be age appropriate.